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Worm Hole

Wormhole is hypothesized or theoretical tunnel between two points in the universe. It is supposed to act as a shortcut between the two points. The idea of wormhole was put forth by Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen in the year 1935. They used the theory of general relativity to propose these tunnels. According to these physicists, wormholes act as bridges through space-time.

Wormholes are considered as consistent connections with general theory of relativity, yet there existence remains hypothetical.  The wormhole can connect two long distances points (like a billion light years away) or can connect two short distances (few meters apart).


Like mentioned earlier, the existence of wormhole is still hypothetical. But if there is even a slightest possibility of its existence, then we would like to know how it was created. Many science fiction movies like Interstellar have shown the existence of wormholes, which opens a pathway to distant galaxies. So why not use this science-fiction and try to turn it into reality? Scientists have various theories on creation of wormholes.

There are many other scientists who are actually trying to create a wormhole in laboratories magnetic field. The idea is to transmit magnetic field from one end to another through a path which magnetically invisible. Of course this device is still in working, but one day it might actually work.
This is one of the theories. In July 2013, physicists Juan Maldacena of the Institute for Advanced Study and Leonard Susskind of Stanford University proposed a theoretical solution in the form of two entangled black holes. They suggested that if two black holes are entangled and then pulled apart, it will form a wormhole. This wormhole will be held together with the help of gravity.


The above theory leads us to the question, what is the difference between a wormhole and a black hole? Based on what we know about them, wormhole provides a shortcut tunnel to move from one part of the universe to another. While black hole is giant suction device which absorbs everything in it. The major difference is that wormholes are hypothesized whereas we have the proof of black holes existence. (Read more about Black Holes here).


Travelling through a wormhole is considered against the laws of physics. It may bring sudden collapse, high radiations and contact with dangerous matter. But since the existence of wormhole is yet to be proved, let’s theorized what it will actually be like to travel through one.
Travelling through wormhole arises two possibilities- superluminal (faster-than-light) and subluminal (slower-than-light). Now the question is, is it possible to travel at a speed faster than the speed of light? The answer is both Yes and no. Let’s see how. Consider you have to travel from point A to B in the space. These two points are billion light years away. There is a wormhole between these points. Of course to travel faster, you will use the wormhole. While travelling through the wormhole, you won’t exceed the speed of light which is travelling through the same wormhole. But when the light travels from outside the wormhole between the same two points, it will take more time to travel. In this case, you have beaten the speed of light, since you are travelling through the wormhole and the light took the path outside the wormhole.


The basic idea behind wormhole is to travel long distances in short period of time. Does this mean that it is possible to time travel? Maybe. There are many theories surrounding this idea. One theory is that, if we accelerate one mouth of the wormhole to a high velocity relative to other and then sometime later bring it back to its original velocity, time travel maybe possible. It is similar to twin paradox. Twin paradox is an experiment which involves identical twins; one of whom makes a journey to space in high-speed rocket and returns home only to find out that his twin on Earth has aged more. But again, this is just a theory, as light connects differently through wormhole, than outside it. Let’s break it down. Two synchronized clocks are kept at the two ends of the wormholes. So for a traveller inside the wormholes, the clocks will remain synchronized no matter how the mouths move around. Some even argue that converting wormhole into time machine is not good idea, in context general relativity. But they are not considering quantum effects. The debate on this matter can be found in many books.

Is it possible to travel through wormhole? Can wormhole lead us to distant galaxies? Is time travel possible with the help of wormhole? These and many such questions can be answered once we actually discover the wormhole and study its nature. Till then, all this questions and their answers will remain unsolved!


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