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The Origin

Milky Way is the galaxy which contains our Solar system. The term “milky” is derived from its appearance on Earth. It is seen as a band of light from the stars which cannot be distinguished by a naked eye. Many are studying the origin of Milky Way. And astrophysicists of North Western University have succeeded in it. The study was published by Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society on July 26th 2017.

In a first of its kind analysis, the Northwestern University astrophysicists have discovered that up to half of the matter of the Milky Way may come from another galaxy. As a result each of us may be part of some other galaxy. Like Aliens!

 The research was carried out by using supercomputer stimulation. Using these stimulations, astrophysicists found out how every galaxy, like our own get their matter: through intergalactic transfer. Intergalactic means existing or occurring between two or more galaxies.  This transfer may take place due to explosion of supernova in one galaxy. Then the gases and matter from this explosion will be thrown in different galaxies, with the help of powerful galactic winds.

Intergalactic transfer is a new phenomenon which will help us to understand how galaxies evolve. 

Since galaxies are far from each other, these intergalactic winds will take billion light years to reach other galaxies.Professor Claude-André Faucher-Giguère and his research group, along with collaborators from the FIRE ("Feedback In Realistic Environments") project, which he co-leads, had developed sophisticated numerical simulations that produced realistic 3-D models of galaxies, following a galaxy's formation from just after the Big Bang to the present day. He also developed algorithms which will help to mine this data and quantify how galaxies actually acquire matter.

In the research by tracking the flow of matter in the stimulations, it was found that gas matter flow from smaller galaxies to bigger galaxies.  This transfer of gas can account up to 50% of matter in larger galaxies.  By using the stimulations, researches can find whether the star formed in a galaxy is endemic to galaxy itself or is formed from gas from another galaxy.

The findings open a new line of research in the field of understanding galaxy formation. The phenomenon intergalactic transfer can now be tested by using the computer stimulations. This new study has changed our understanding about the galaxy origin.

Our origin is not as local as it seems. More than half of the matter which we are made and surrounded of comes from other galaxies. Our Solar system itself is made of matter which came from other galaxies. Due this we can call ourselves space immigrants or “ALIENS”!


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