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Hawking's Theory

Final Theory

All the brilliant minds have the habit of going with a bang. This is exactly what Prof. Stephen Hawking did when he passed away on March 14, 2018. The physicists died at the age of 76 and it seemed like the world stood still. Tributes flooded in for the greatest scientist of all time. Everybody was celebrating his work and achievements. But this wasn’t the end. The physicist left behind some more ground breaking theories in his residence at Cambridge that won him countless honors in the field of cosmology, general relativity, quantum gravity and black holes.

However, one of his papers is yet to be published which will prove his greatest contribution in the field of Multi-verse.  According to reports, colleagues of Hawking have revealed the renowned theoretical physicist’s final academic work involved the theory explaining how humans could detect parallel universes

In the paper, Hawking has given some ground breaking mathematics needed to find the traces of parallel universe.  It says that there have been multiple Big Bangs which in turn will lead to the formation of multiple universes. This is an argument based in quantum physics claiming that our universe is one of the finite universes.

Submitted barely two weeks before his death, this theory, if proven right, would shape our understanding of the universe in unimaginable ways, and as Thomas Hertog, the co-author of the paper, explained to Sunday Times, this is Stephen Hawking pushing the boundaries by going "boldly where [even] Star Trek fears to tread".


The paper “No boundaries” framed by Hawking and James Hartle explains the Big Bang theory in quantum mechanics terms. The paper describes the universe in its early stages and explains that there was no existence of time before Big Bang. Using this as a framework, the model backs the Big Bang theory by giving theoretical proof that the universe instantaneously inflated from a singularity into what it is today. 

But the model also threw perplexing and measurable possibilities of infinite big bangs and in effect each creating their own universe thus leading to the formation of Multiverse.

In his last paper, Hawking has argued that the multiple Big Bangs should be measured via “background radiation dating back to the beginning of universe”. It also claims that the footprint of this radiation should be "detectable using a deep space probe" equipped with needed sensors.



To prove that parallel universe exist and we are nothing but one of the possible versions of ourselves existing in the alternate universe, will prove to be the biggest discovery of mankind!

But above all if we prove his final paper, thus proving the existence of parallel universe, it would give humanity a new hope that the brilliant physicists, along with other great minds that this world has lost, are still alive - albeit on a different plane. 

Also if this is true, it will be the greatest tribute to the optimist who, after being diagnosed with  Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) never gave up hopes.  An optimist who in 2016 even dared the might of dying star when he said 

"they are not the eternal prisons they were once thought to be. Things can get out of black holes and possibly to another universe. So if you feel you are in a black hole, don't give up. There's a way out!"


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